Pacific West Fastener Association
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2024 Pac-West After Hours Vancouver BC
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
Category: After Hours

Pac-West After Hours
Langley, BC

June 20, 2024

Stop by and meet other people in the fastener industry and expand your professional network.
Pac-West will host one beverage per person along with complimentary appetizers!

When:   Thursday, June 20, 2024
5:00 - 8:00 PM

Where:  The Barley Merchant Taproom & Kitchen

The Barley Merchant Taproom & Kitchen, Building B – 20090 91a Avenue
Langley, British Columbia V1M 3Y9, Canada | 604-371-2699

Sponsorship Opportunites
$250 sponsors will have their company name listed on the website event page, event email blasts and social media, and will be thanked during the announcements the night of the event.

$350 sponsors will have their company name listed on a $50 door prize, with top listing on all of the benefits listed above. To become a sponsor, add it to your registration form online or email [email protected].

Doorprize Donations
If you'd like to donate a raffle prize or gift card, please contact Jamie Adams or add it to your online registration. Raffle prizes make the night more fun!

Click here for the Google Map location.

There is no charge to attend but we do require an RSVP so we know how many people to expect. Non-Members are welcome too!

Click here to see who's registered.

Fastener Training Class Just Added!
Fasteners 201: Behind the Desk
What fastener professionals need to know to fill in the knowledge gaps.
Attendees will learn about standards, terminology as well as strength, hardness, platings, coatings and finishes from expert instructor, Carmen Vertullo. All students will receive the FTI Basic Fastener Handbook. June 20, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at Fuller Metric in Surrey.  Learn more and register here.

After Hours Vancouver BC Sponsors

Premium Sponsors - $350 Level
Brighton Best International (Platinum Partner)
LindFast Solutions Group (Platinum Partner)

Star Stainless Screw (Platinum Partner)
Pacific Bolt Manufacturing
Stelfast, Inc.

General Sponsors - $250 Level
American Ring (Silver Partner)

Buckeye Fasteners Company (Silver Partner)
Kanebridge Corporation (Silver Partner)
UNBRAKO (Bronze Partner)

Fuller Metric (Bronze Partner)