From Tom Reilly
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." (Mark Twain)
Your why empowers you to sustain any what you may encounter. Why fuels your passion. The day you discover your why is the most liberating day of your life. It allows you to abandon all of the non-why stuff. This enables you to focus on your true purpose, your why.
For salespeople, your why is to create value. Selling is a function of creating value. When you solve problems for customers, you create value for them. When you create value for your customers, it generally means you create value for your company. This is your why. Everything else is noise.
Passion sells. Enthusiasm is contagious. Knowledge is power. Your knowledge of how you create value inflames your passions. Share that passion with your customers. Let them feel the excitement of the value you create. Infuse your sales conversation with this enthusiasm.
If you have chosen sales as a career path, focus on your purpose, your why. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by all of the noise that will confuse you. Your why is to create value, not just move inventory. Your why is to make a difference, not just a deal. Your why is to help the customer find solutions, not just buy products.
Your why simplifies your life. If what you are doing does not fit your why, why are you doing it?
Tom Reilly is literally the guy who wrote the book on Value-Added Selling (McGraw-Hill).
Next Value-Added Selling public seminar is December 14-15, 2016. It is presented by Paul Reilly. Call to reserve your seat. 636-537-3360 or visit